Your comments


IR.GetItem("Page 1").GetItem("Item 1").Hit = 2;  // Pass Through
IR.GetItem("Page 1").GetItem("Item 1").Hit = 0;  // Active Touch
You dont need the Port 80 to CONTROL Global Cache, the control ports will be: 4998 and 4999 (TCP), you have to forward them.
Port 80 is only for setting via the web-interface.

You are able to forward port 81 (inet) to 80 (local) please see the Forwarding settings on your router.
Unfortunately you cannot switch the My Home driver, it's the beta version and it doesn't support all the functions, sorry. So you have to use an external IP locally and externaly or make 2 separated drivers with the different settings.
You can switch the GC driver from local to external IP. First of all you have to set up the Port Forwarding on your Router. Then use the instruction from our Wiki for the new GC driver:

If you have an Old GC driver (from GC.db database), u have to switch the connection settings using the command for "AV & Custom Systems (TCP)" as in your previous message

Please copy this Debug version of editor to C:\Program Files (x86)\iRidium mobile2\Editor and start the file editor.exe
When the problem occures, copy the Log file from C:\Users\<user>\Documents\iRidium mobile 2\Settings\Studio\Log (or ...\Editor\Log)
and send it to us.
Yes we see, and we are able to add Typed arrays in SEE natively. It is planned.
Hi, I talked with developers again and have another info now... no, it will not be available prior to December 31st. May be it will take up to year, depends on iRidium Server status. We have no information about price for now.
No you cannot pay for development of native iRIdium drivers. If you want to develop it using opened JS API, you can do it and sell your JavaScript Module.

You cannot use the Dynamic IP as an external host. You have to get the static IP from your Internet provider or use DynDNS service to get your own domain name instead of static IP. Please contact your provider or system administrator to get more details
Hello Kai

No we don't have a driver for Netatmo weatherstation yet. If you have some documentation for external developers please share
Hi Theo
It is planned but we are working now on the most important tasks, not on the new features before the Server released
I think it would be better to improve "Macros" copying in Programming tab some way