Your comments

Please see this sample:

If you;ll not be able to repeat it, I'll see your project, but please check it again first. This property of item can be set up properly via the script on 2.2.3
Видео вспомнить пока не получается, но я на данный момент не вижу способов реализвоать такую схему. Можно использовать RFID метку в машине, но она будет действовать непосредственно при вьезде на территорию.
Please try to open GUI Editor without project, go to Tools > Options > Showing and change the Render from OGL to DX (or vice versa), then restart the Editor. You can also try to update the drivers of your video card. We are working on possible problems with W10, but cannot be shure when the next version will be done. Please inform about results
Здравсвтуйте, Евгений

Использовать GPS в свернутом режиме и при заблокированном телефоне нельзя. Кто это был - не могу сказать, возможно, вы вспомните, где видели подобную реализацию?
Yes, really, didn't check about buttons in list,
It is better to ask your system administrator about forwarding settings, it is not the same on different routers, and it is not about iRisium.
Send me the screen-shot of the router web-interface with the page of Forwarding settings.
Fixed, please download it again

You have to do the same as you have a new Panel: search in Transfer, get the new HWID and go to the web-site to activate a license again. But you dont need the new license - please use the "Deactivate" option with your previous license, you will be able to use it again then. We have added one more deactivation attempt for all the activated device licenses in the User Cabinets.