Your comments

Hello Paulo

Yes, you have to update all the iRidium components using Setup from our web-site:

Direct link:

It is not possible to update it from 2.0 to 2.1 using the internal updating mechanism.
We have checked this "magic packets" in office some time ago, it is not necessary to use the broadcast address if you know the current address of PC which you need to call.
The problem could be in the "Local Port" settings of driver (it should not be zero), or in the settings of PC. Please check that the WOL option enabled in the BIOS settings and in the network card settings. If it is ok, we'll check this project again.
Thank you!
This parameter cannot be changed via the script.
You set it when creating the item, so the items should be created in the right sequence
Unfortunately, this realization will not work using the current script.. the mail agent uses SSL protocol from September 16. We didn't support the SSL before 2.2.1 so this script doesn't work last months.
I hope it is possible to renew it using the new AV driver with SSL support.
Yes, you are right, the Joystic created via the script doesn't work for now.
It happens because the default value of MaxX and MaxY is zero, when you create it via the script, and you cannot change it. Now you cannot use CreateItem function for the Joystic, but we'll find a solution. Thank you.
Thank you Feri! I saw this document, it's a data-sheet for integrator, but not for developer) We are waiting for response from HDL team to update the examples.