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is there a Limit how many Feedbacks are allowed/works?
In my Project only the half of Feedbacks working.
If i change the position in the Feddback list from one Value which not working with one who is working, now this Value works and the other one not.
Thanks, but this doesn't work.
-> Log Off on Test Phone, delete app
-> Try to log in on IPhone > Error
Now i tried to test the IPhone with a Backup from Monday -> Works! :-)
Now i can Log off and Log in on my IPhone :-)
do you have a Static Route from your CX1100 to your Paneldevice?
The ADS State changes without Static Route to 2, but can't find the ADS Port.
(Only find the ADS Host)
This can you see with the "Drivers.Beckhoff (Beta).Port" Token from the Driver:
-> If they count high, you don't have a working ADS Connection.
-> If they stand still, the ADS Connection should works.
If you don't have a Static Route from your CX1100 to your Paneldevice, look to my manual in a Post above.
You don't need to declare you Variables with "AT %I* or AT %Q* "
It is enough when you declare your Variables like this -> iMode :BYTE;
ADS can read/write every Variables from a Beckhoff PLC, you must only set the Point in front of the Variable :-)
Thank you. Works fine now :)
my Project is running on an IPhone 6S with Beckhoff ADS.
Now i would like to send the System.Battery.Level from the System Token cyclic with a Command to my Beckhoff PLC.
(Without Press any Buttons...)
Is this possible?
Can i send Cyclic Value's to my Beckhoff PLC?
I like to send the Battery.Level to the PLC.
If this works, how can i make this?
Thank you :)
(At first, sorry for my english :) )
My Project with IRidium Studio 1.2.5 is working fine.
I3 pro is running on an IPhone 6s.
Here is a little manual how i made it.
Customer support service by UserEcho
i tried to send Projecttokens with JS to my Beckhoff PLC, but it doesn't work.
I have tried very many Variants.
Do some one know a Code thats works?
Thanks a lot! :)