Your comments

Hello! For the moment we are talking only about hot standby.

You have to make a second server project with script that checks that the main Server is online. If the main Server offline, script starts the same drivers that works on Main server, connect to the equipment and ready to work.

Control panels have to reconnect to the second server automatically if the main Server offline (it is just a second simple script). So this is the way available right now. The official system of reservation is under development.

Ok I think it is possible to duplicate commands on import, thank you, we'll make a task


For the moment it is not possible to change a storage, but we are working on it

You have to register on the web site as an integrator and use your login and password to authorize a Emulator

It is exactly that you expected and a little more. You have to drag & drop all the light channels to the one button to be able to swith them all, just look at the button settings in sample.
With the script you can see if one of lights turned on or all of then off. But you can make a scene buttons without it (see Programmings settings of a buttons).

You say "all lights", but it could mean "all in room" "all on the floor" "all in door", and a sample will be ok for all of this variants. Just learn the sample

Hello! Do you mean the way to download a new version of project to control panel?

You have to open the side menu (swipe from left to right in i3 pro), you'll see the list of cloud project. If there is any update available, you'll see "Download" button

Hello, please see the sample (JS)

It shows how to send a macro command without script but see the status of the group on the sibgle item. If a single device from the group is turned on, the group is on so the command " turn off" will be sent from Trigger Button

group actions sample.irpz

Доброго дня! На одном элементе мультитач не доступен вообще. К тому же, сам по себе, мультитач в системе событий не обрабатывается, можно только генерировать жест, связанный с использованием мультитач. Поэтому, нет, мультитач на джойстике обработать нельзя.

Hello, you can find an instruction here:

If you still cannot set it up, please share the settings of your project, router, and HDL IP Interface with support team via

Hello Maurits

We checked with i3 driver and the command works. Please share the model of GC device in your project and a driver type from v2. It will be the best if you share the project where you faced with problem. Please send it to