Add your idea or search for answers in existing topics. The most popular ideas will be implemented faster!

We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to .

Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.


receive feedback from dimer control lighting

Nguyễn Trực 9 jaar geleden in i2 Control V2.2 bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 9 jaar geleden 3

I'm control lighting in myhome system. I have a problem is: when I control lighting by actuator (switch 03844- only ON/OFF) I see feedback of lighting. But I control by dimmer ( ON/OFF and DIMMER, I don't see feedback ON/OFF of light status. I add feedback auto by driver Myhome in iridium software


Android ​IR.Execute()

Mike Slattery 8 jaar geleden in iRidium Script bijgewerkt door Dmitry - support (expert) 8 jaar geleden 1

Using Android how do I run the Calendar or other Apps? IR.Execute('Calendar');


SCript garbage memory collected

stagiair 8 jaar geleden in i2 Control V2.2 bijgewerkt 8 jaar geleden 8


I got a messages in my log file of Iridium, "[18-02-2016 15:45:34.429] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected".

Is it possible to remove this Debug messages. Or how can i fix the problem so it does not show anymore?



Alessandro Munari 9 jaar geleden in JS modules bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 9 jaar geleden 1
Hi to all.
Just a question Iridiummobile can exchange informatio with an SQL server ?
in any way ?

some ideas ?

Souliss Support

tech 9 jaar geleden in Products bijgewerkt door Oksana (expert) 8 jaar geleden 2
"Souliss is an open-source framework designed for Smart Homes and Internet of Things, it runs over Arduino AVR microcontrollers and include all the libraries and drivers required for a complete a distributed intelligent network, with a ready to use Android user interface"

Will be possible to have Souliss support in iRidiummobile?

You can have more info. here

Requests for Drivers
Under review


zaifulbahri kasim 8 jaar geleden in General bijgewerkt door Dmitry - support (expert) 8 jaar geleden 3


I working a project that required integration with DigitalStrom lighting system. I have tried so many way to make it works but still no luck. I need help right now. DigitalStrom is using http Get command..example

How do it write this in iridium..

Thanks guys..


Как блокировать подключение к оборудованию?

evg 8 jaar geleden in iRidium Script / AV and Driver scripts bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 8 jaar geleden 3

Добрый день!

Такая задача. Нужно для нескольких планшетов кроме одного блокировать установку соединения с контроллерами Global Cache. К GC подключена техника, а он, как известно, допускает только одно пдключение. GC должнен быть Always Connected, т.к. приходит событийная обратная связь. Чтобы исключить блокировку работы нужного планшета нужно остальным запретить подключаться.

Как это сделать?

Использую стандартные драйверы из библиотеки.


Steaming from Windows media player

josvanstiphout 9 jaar geleden in i2 Control V2.2 bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 9 jaar geleden 1
I want to stream a video from a pc on an iPad.within iRidium!
Can you tell me how that is done?

Thanks in advance,
Jos van Stiphout

New Hit Type 'CatchAndPass'

Jackie Roos 8 jaar geleden in i2 Control V2.2 bijgewerkt door r riksma 8 jaar geleden 1

Currently there are 3 types of hit:

Image 11452

Can we please get a new hit type that is both:

1. Active touch - catches the touch and does what is programmed

2. AND Pass Through - passes through the touch to the items underneath to do whatever they are programmed to do

ie Catch and Pass


eg We might want all items on a popup to do the same thing, eg a script call, before doing their own programming.
