Your comments

Unfortunately, there is no such function in the iRidium server. The system supports cold backup of the project, but not the data that the server collects.

Under normal conditions, it is enough to protect the server with power (uninterrupted power supply) and not overload the database so that the server works stably and for a long enough time.

Not yet. We are checking the operation of the driver on real equipment at different sites and as soon as all issues are resolved we will publish the documentation for the driver.

No special settings. The correct  resolution only.

This can work on multiple monitors, already tested on real projects.


All this is already available in the new studio.


We do not have plans to update the project for Plex or KODI, but you can change the existing project yourself under the changed API or order this development from freelancers.

Hello Teo

You should use KNX interface module:

It has "relay" inside