
Getting a text string from modbus wago to Iridium 2.0

D-man 11 years ago in Products / Modbus updated by Oksana (expert) 9 years ago 8

is it possible to pick a string of text out of a modbus device [wago 750-881 controller] to Iridium.

I can view the string in Iridium but Iridium makes a number of it, and not the line of text i typed in the modbus device.

I hope someone can tell me if this is possible and how to do it.
Dear Matthijs,
iRidium can receive data of the decimal format and Modbus sends data of the same format. You have to convert decimal data in the HEX format and then in the ASCII string.

With regards,
Victoria Vaynert.


that sounds good to me, but how can i go from decimal to hex and from hex to ASCII?

thanks for your help.
There are two possible solutions of the problem:
1) you can do it on your own just using Multistate Button. Here you can read about this type of image used in iRidium. http://wiki2.iridiummobile.net/Creating_the_Graphic_Part_of_iRidium_Projects#Multistate_Level
2) do it with the help of Java Script, in this case you must have skills in programming. If you are not a programmer, find a specialist who will be able to help you.

With best wishes,
Victoria Vaynert.
Thank you very much,

i am going to try it as soon as possible.

Feel free to contact us!

With regards,
Victoria Vaynert.
It's working after i had som help of a Iridium user who's good with javascript.
He wrote a script for me, the only problem was that the max length importable in iridium is 4 characters.

I needed a 12 character string, in javascript my helper created a function to combine the 3 and with the "MID" function block in Codesys the string of 12 can be split in 3 strings of 4 characters and now it works.
Hi Matthijs,
Thank you for sharing the solution with us.
We hope everyone of this Forum will share solutions with other users; that's the goal of this Forum.
Theo Derks