Uw opmerkingen
Nikolay, what's the difficulty of adding a small JS code? You use schemes - but this is also JS.
IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_CHANNEL_SET, IR.GetDevice("AV & Custom Systems (HTTP)"), function(name, value) { switch(name) { case "dweet": IR.Log("send value: "+value); IR.GetDevice("AV & Custom Systems (HTTP)") .Send(['GET,/dweet/for/_channel_?data='+value]); break; case "other": IR.Log("Other"); break; } });
Set in Custom HTTP (TCP) Script Mode = Script Only, leave command URI empty
for server: http://support.iridiummobile.net/topics/11960-http-commands/
Temporary you may convert some fonts
https://www.fontsquirrel.com/tools/webfont-generator Expert mode -> X-height Matching: xxx %
Возможно окно находится за пределами рабочего стола активного монитора. Попробуйте выбрать окно Emulator на панели задач, нажать Alt+пробел, выбрать "Переместить", нажать любую стрелку на клавиатуре, переместить указатель мыши.Другой вариант - удалить файл конфигурации.
all types together in one query with datetime conversion
var sq='SELECT datetime(DATETIME, \'+2415018 days\', \'+12 hours\', \'localtime\') DT, NAME, CAST(VALUE as text), QUALITY ' + 'FROM STRING_TAG_HISTORY s ' + 'INNER JOIN TAGS_PASSPORT t ' + 'ON t.TAG_ID = s.TAG_ID ' + 'UNION ' + 'SELECT datetime(DATETIME, \'+2415018 days\', \'+12 hours\', \'localtime\') DT, NAME, CAST(VALUE as text), QUALITY ' + 'FROM FLOAT_TAG_HISTORY f ' + 'INNER JOIN TAGS_PASSPORT t ' + 'ON t.TAG_ID = f.TAG_ID ' + 'UNION ' + 'SELECT datetime(DATETIME, \'+2415018 days\', \'+12 hours\', \'localtime\') DT, NAME, CAST(VALUE as text), QUALITY ' + 'FROM INTEGER_TAG_HISTORY i ' + 'INNER JOIN TAGS_PASSPORT t ' + 'ON t.TAG_ID = i.TAG_ID ' + 'ORDER BY DT DESC;'
You must disable Insert Cache in Server Settings or use User Database to see сurrent changes
for (i=0;i<5;i++)
IR.SetVariable("Server.Tags.Log_tag", "from server "+i);
var in_Value=""; var sql = IR.GetDatabase(); // assign sql variable properties of the system database. var tag_id = sql.Request('SELECT TAG_ID FROM TAGS_PASSPORT WHERE NAME=\'Log_tag\'').GetRowValue(0,0); IR.Log('Log_tag TAG_ID='+tag_id); var examp = sql.Request('SELECT DATETIME, VALUE FROM STRING_TAG_HISTORY WHERE TAG_ID='+tag_id+' ORDER BY DATETIME DESC'); for (i=0;i<examp.Rows;i++) {//make a cycle to output value var dt=new iDate(examp.GetRowValue(0,i)); //iDate is ugly! var dt_txt=dt.date + "." + dt.month + "." + dt.year + " [" + dt.hours + ":" + dt.minutes + ":" + dt.seconds + "]"; in_Value += dt_txt+' '+ examp.GetRowValue(1,i) + "\n"; } sql.Close() IR.Log(in_Value);
Obviously you are using a template for iPad. In the previous message, I used example Metro_XBMC_iPhone.irpz.
Converting v2 to v3 has a bug: Multistate button replaced by Item button (planned: http://support.iridiummobile.net/topics/11034-pochemu-ne-rabotayut-moduli-posle-importa-v-v3-na-primere-xbmc/).
Add a dozen additional States for "icon_map" and change it type to Multistate button (in the lower right corner on the "XBMC_Audio" Popup) or use the example for the iPhone.
In the example for the iPad, the port 8080 is also specified in the settings, maybe the functionality is not complete.
Use latest version of Iridium.
please, attach full dump or send it to support@iridiummobile.ru
Customer support service by UserEcho