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Yes, you can. but I usually work with JS on one screen and gui on the other

I have since found F6, so very happy with that thanks :)

Thanks Dmitry, I copied the file from my PC to the customers, and then I got an access violation and i3 refused to open.

Hi Mkie

Probably as you are getting into the extended ascii characters (http://ascii-code.com/), and it depends on what is on your machine if they are the latin ones or not

I suggest using receive_data, and convert from the decimal to hex using something like this:

      IR.Log("Receive Raw Data: " + data);
      // Data received: 
      for (var i=0;  i < data.length; i++){
            data[i] = this.dec2hex(data[i]).toString();                            
      } //for 
      //Converted data:
      IR.Log("Receive Converted Data: " + data);

The following may come in handy:

// Data Conversion Routines \\
var convertBase = function (num) {
this.from = function (baseFrom) {
this.to = function (baseTo) {
return parseInt(num, baseFrom).toString(baseTo).toUpperCase();
return this;
return this;
// binary to decimal
this.bin2dec = function (num) {
return convertBase(num).from(2).to(10);
// binary to hexadecimal
this.bin2hex = function (num) {
return convertBase(num).from(2).to(16);
// decimal to binary
this.dec2bin = function (num) {
return convertBase(num).from(10).to(2);
// decimal to hexadecimal
this.dec2hex = function (num) {
return convertBase(num).from(10).to(16);
// hexadecimal to binary
this.hex2bin = function (num) {
return convertBase(num).from(16).to(2);
// hexadecimal to decimal
this.hex2dec = function (num) {
return convertBase(num).from(16).to(10);
//**************************************************\\ // converts an array of hex or decimal to the \\ // the ASCII code \\ // eg 75 Decimal = K \\ //**************************************************\\ this.NumToChar = function(tmp) {
var arr = tmp;
var str = '';
var c;
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] != 0) {
c = String.fromCharCode(arr[i]);
str += c;
return str;
} //**************************************************\\ // Formats eg FF into 0xFF \\ //**************************************************\\ this.FormatToHex = function(hx){
hx = '0x' + String('0' + hx).slice(-2);
return hx;

Have two dynamic images, one setup for onsite access, and one setup with the remote access

Onsite Image name: Hikvision Picture LAN

Remote Image name: Hikvision Picture Remote

The make a script that changes which image is used

function ChangeToLAN(){
IR.GetItem("Security").GetItem("Door_Front").GetState(0).Image = 'Hikvision Picture LAN';

function ChangeToRemote(){
IR.GetItem("Security").GetItem("Door_Front").GetState(0).Image = 'Hikvision Picture Remote';

The use a script call on button press to show the local or remote image

FYI you can resolve the issue of ISP changing the IP address by using a DYNDNS

After confirming with Theo, the scratch pad is good - moving items to the bottom or the right

Being able to move items above the x axis or to the left of the y axis is bad.

Actually, sorry Theo but I like this feature. It is like having a scratch pad.

Perhaps like Visio there could be an option to make this available or not?

What I was trying to say:

Please change iRidium Server driver so it accepts multiple connections via different ports, just like iRidium Gate used to. Then we do not need mega drivers!


This is quickly becoming a nightmare! I now have some serious scripting in a server project and want to add more drivers, but cannot without either building the driver commands and feedback from scratch or adding in the scripting and server virtual channels etc from scratch!


Please make it a setting in Tools/Options.

Changing a crucial default behaviour like this because someone requested it is not good.

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