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This will get me to System Menu, but to display project menu I have to use Show Project Menu in button program. Sometimes this command does not copy over and gets left out of a new program. I wish I could just do this in JS IR.ShowProjectMenu(). 


Is there a method to clear the developer panels from the cloud. I seemed to have reached the limit of panels and only have three that I know of that would be in developer mode. May have set some to developer mode and then loaded project from cloud. I would think once you load project from cloud it should go out of developers mode.

This happens when the program is first started, without login. It will be just a white screen for the iRidium page. There is no way to even login. You will need to get one of the SEETEC 10.1" USB DisplayLink monitors to test. For now I have a fix by placing a monitor EDID emulator on the HDMI port of the Intel NUC. 


What I did at first to get around Windows 10 is to use a batch file to launch the program. Now I created a AutoHotKey program to do it. These files can then be placed in shell:startup.

AutoHotKey for 64bit

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
Run C:\Program Files (x86)\iRidium Ltd\iRidium Pro\iRidium\iRidium64.exe

Yesterday I used Anydesk on a PC running both full screen and windows mode without any issue. When I change modes, I do have to restart Anydesk to get it to resize properly. The same is true with VNC applications. I also have a 1 second flashing button on my i3Pro application. Without the flashing button the screen will not refresh. Try a flashing button and see if it works for you. I use TightVNC.

I use a small PC touch panel called a TCX9 and never have any issues with VNC.


When I had this issue as shown in the video, it was due to connecting to a second monitor. I also had the issue where if I tried to use VNC during full screen, the image went back. I found that adding a flashing indicator solved the problem and have been doing this for several months now for all of my projects and no longer have the issue.   

I have seen this same issue if I have another monitor connected to the tablet. To solve the issue do not connect another monitor and add a small flashing indicator on all pages. 

I figured the issue is due to no changes. I fixed this same issue with VNC by placing a flashing 1 second dim LED on each screen.

What I found is if the monitor is turned off and then back on or the HDMI cable is disconnected or reconnected, it is like a blank I3 Pro window is displayed. Using Alt Tab will switch to the main application. Only I3 Pro is running.