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function lev () {
   var level = IR.GetItem("Page 1").GetItem("Item 1").Value

   if (level < 10) {var level = "0"+level.toString(); IR.SetVariable("Tokens.Lev", level)}
   else {IR.SetVariable("Tokens.Lev", level.toString())}
Something like this?
Hi, not yet.. we are looking for external developer who would be interested in it. Our programmers busy in main developing process so cannot start with Plex module right now.
Hi Roger! Maybe you are working on Plex also? So many users looking for it, but our programmers cannot start with driver update..
IF all the IP modules (HDL-MBUS01IP.431) is in the same network, you don't need an additional settings.
Use the Host in iRidium and you will be able to control all the devices

No.. If you want to stop Macro, you have to realize this macro on Java Script to be able to stop it
Hi Pathrick
This question has been discussed in another string, but in general, the driver for virtual COM cold be provided only by USB-2-COM cable developer, or you can use an external converter from TCP/IP to RS232.
It looks fine, should work. If it doesn't, please check that the port 10005 or 10006 doesn't used by another Gates!
You can send me your config file to check, save:
Config.xml from folder C:\Users\<User>\Documents\iRidium mobile 2\Settings\Gate

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