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Hi Theo, you cannot work without authorization. It will not be possible at all.

Authorization is a way to check who you are - installer or end user, and give you "test periods" and ability to work with local Transfer app.

So, you cannot do something if you are not logged in. It is needed once, and then you can work offline.

Hi Benno

Please open iRidium web site in Cabinet V3

Here you can see the cloud services for end user. Shortly you don't need to log in with your account on user's device, and he'll newer see you projects. This menu needed to manage of Multiprojecting and remote update.

For the moment it is possible to turn Status Bur on or off only in the iRidium Settings on iOS device:

1. in system menu of iRidium app

2. In the iOS settings of iRidium app

But it should be available in Project setings in GUI Editor also, in case of updating of several panels. It is not ok if you have to turn Status bar on for each panel manually.

It is not also good that is not possible to set this option up for each project that could be used in Multiprojecting mode

Сейчас изменения в текущей Вики приостановлены из-за работы над новой версией документации, но позже обязательно синхронизируем данные. Помните, что язык оригинала - русский, вы всегда можете ориентироваться на домен ru при поиске интересующих сведений или связаться с нами

yes it could be used as a temporary solution but it is not faster that use macro HidePopup(name) in my opinion.

I think it sould be done

a) as function in Macro editor + JS method IR.HideParrentPopup(), or something like that

b) when you call JS function from the item with ScriptCall, it should be possible to take some information like a parent object that called this function. For me it would be great to Call the function with parameters also, but it should be dicussed in details

Thank you Dmitry, but it can be used only if you call the item by name (or listen for this item).

But it has no sence if you don't know the name of pressed item that called JS function "HIDE THIS".

You juat cannot know the parent item of item that called the function.

So we cannot help Andrew with script.

Ofcource I know about patern property of item that you got like an object, but it will not help to solve this case if you know what I mean

Вы не можете АКТИВИРОВАТЬ site Лицензию для MyHome. Активировать лицензию вы можете только для HDL или другого устройства, которое поддерживает Site лицензирование - т.е. может передать Иридиум свой серийный номер для использования в целях лицензирования.
Когда лицензия активна, подключена к лицензированной системе (в вашем случае это HDL), она позволяет использовать функционал лицензии:

у обычной site лицензии для HDL в функционал входит драйвер HDL и AV
у Full site лицензии для HDL в фукнционал входят ВСЕ драйверы Иридиум.
Т.е. когда вы подключились к HDL, вы можете управлять и другими драйверами без ограничений. Дуотехно среди прочих.

Hello Elke

It is not a forum that you need. Our company called "iRidium Mobile", but not "Iridium". We are not working with satellite phones, sorry :)

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