Uw opmerkingen

Нет, не прокатит, потому что на панели нужно использовать один и тот же локальный UDP порт, а этого не получится сделать. Одна из систем должна работать на другом порту.
Please vote this topic, and it will be closer to realisation
You can use REST API in iRidium via AV & Custom Systems driver, but we don't have a ready solution yet. Please see the instructions on our wiki to know how to send commands to the side equipment:

separate bits - rw.irpz - to read and write separated bits in Modbus
separate bits - read.irpz - to read only

It is possible only via the script, and this method is not an ideal becouse the native data and Script data works in the different streams, but hope u can use this sample
Hi Simon

You have to install remiote controll app to your PC to boot the file on PC from remote device. Something like MCE Controller http://mcec.codeplex.com/
You can connect to this app via TCP and send a command to load file (pls see MCE docs)
yes we could implement "Send Puls" like a separated Action, it makes an interface less congested, but u have to
1. drag the command
2. choose an action
3. set value and delay.

3 steps instead of 2. But if we talk about all the users, this feature will be optional, so maybe it's ok?
Matthijs, Theo, what do u think?
Hello guys

But I worked with real Modbus installations different way, without pulses, it should not work this way by default.
And it is possible when you press the button too fast, controller can lost the Release event and just turn the address on.

So I think it would be better to make an option "Puls" when u drag the command. Available for Press, Release and Hold event:

send [ 1 ] for [ 500 ] ms and then turn it off

As a result:

What do u think about it?
Hello Gilles

The app will be available in evening after mail delivery with detailed description of current situation with HWIDs.