Your comments

yes it's possible with the script commands which changes the project background. But all the possible backgrounds have to be added in GUI, you cannot use Photos from smartphone or tablet.
Please see the example: HDL_Z-Audio.irpz
Hi Patrick

more then 4 million (int)
Hello Ben

Please see the sample, it could be done only via the script
It's enough if you have a Trial license. Trial supports all the needed functions.
If you cannot see the data it could mean the session wasn't opened. Did you add a Trial to Editor > Tools > Options > License Path: [..]? Don't u activated a Demo mode in Editor (it should be turned off). Don't u see the red messages when u start the emulator?
Please let me check your license file.
Everything should be ok.
If it possible, please make a remote access to your device from internet (forward the TCP port 23 and send your External IP). We'll check the connection.
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