Your comments

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Но ситуация, когда Трансфер видит панель, но не может авторизовать, возникает в случае блокировки "поискового" UDP трафика Transfer брандмауером или антивирусом ПК. Добавьте Иридиум в список исключений или временно отключите антивирусное ПО.
If you have Global Cache and by iRidium Full: Site license Pro & Global Cache, you will be able to control all your equipment.
But you can also choose the "Device License Pro for MyHome" to control Global Cache and MyHome. Device License is only for one control panel, so you need as many licenses as many devices you have.
So you are able to choose.
Здравсвтуйте, Егор

Иридиум взаимодействует с контроллером RaZberry, Fibaro HC2 или Fibaro HC Lite. К другому оборудованию в сети Z-Wave подключиться напрямую нельзя. Контроллер обеспечивает управление вашим оборудованием в сети Z-wave по TCP/IP, тогда как другие устройства сети могут быть не оснащены IP интерфейсом.
How many IP interfaces (network connections) you have on your PC?

Nat:true: KNX datagram has an IP address included; KNX answers to this IP
Nat:false: KNX answers to IP address from whom he received the datagram.
So problem may occurs if iRidium chooses default IP interface on your PC "incorrect" and sending the data to another IP interface. Another client may choose another IP interface. So please try to retain only one network connection (turn off any LAN or VPN connections) and try again.
Hi Roger

Sorry we are not ready to say the date when the new release will be available.
No, iRidium Studio will be available only for Server, as the next iRidium generation.
Hello Theo, sorry for delay, I was waiting for information about status of this task.
So, we are working on big update the sound system in SIP driver, and it will be available in the nearest future, but right now we don't have a client to test. Please wait for information on the forum, we'll release the update of client for Windows and iOS.
Если свойство Enable вы планируете менять в процессе работы проекта, рассмотрите возможность использования параметра Hit (менять его между Pass Through и Active Touch) + любого визуального параметра (например, цвета) элемента.
Это даст тот же результат.

Hi Jackie

I am using Ipswitch Sysylog Server and our own simple server, it works fine.
I installed Syslog Watcher and it's ok too.

But I found another problem:

When you set up the debugging settings in Editor, it doesn't send this settings in client, so the Editor is not changing the debugging port on Client side.
Please check it in System Menu > Info. Generally, you have to set up the debuggig settings in Client, not in Editor for now.
We'll fix the problem in Editor in the next build.