Your comments


Please use this project. Here you can turn on different options to increase sound quality. (open the sound settings when calling or before, in driver settings)

Please upgrade all iRIdium components to the latest version from our web site.

More information about sound quality settings you can find here:

Hello Jackie

iRidium supports Popen, you can ping the host and use the result in your Driver.

But we do not plan to implement Ping method to custom UDP driver yet, for the moment it is just Clear UDP transport.

Please add this Idea ("Add Ping in UDP by default") as a new topic and we'll discuss and vote it.

The problem solved, the Test Mode on server wasn't turned on but it wasn't displayed in web interface of Server correctly

Куки нужно будет сохранять самостоятельно, в переменную проекта


POST разпросы в Иридиум формируются так. В вашем случае должно получиться:

URI: /json/v2/auth.slid

Data: 'slid_token" : "123456789:987654321'

Настройка HTTP драйвера:

Host: ***********.ru

Port: 4444

Полученные данные нужно обработать с помощью слушателя

IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_RECEIVE_TEXT, IR.GetDevice("AV (HTTP)"), function(text) 
    IR.Log("received: " + text);

Пример по ссылке.

Please read more about animation here:

You can create some effect before call the popup, like it shown in sample

IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_START, 0, function()
  // create effect, add in variable
	var Fade = IR.CreateEffect(IR.EFFECT_FADE);
	Fade.Group = 1000;	// assign number of group
	Fade.Delay = 0;		// choose delay
	Fade.Duration = 400;  	// choose duration of effect
	Fade.Tween = 0; 	// coose tweener
  // show popup with created effect
	IR.ShowPopup("Popup 1", 1000)

Hello Punith

It can be made with help of JS, please see the sample

Project 1.irpz

Владимир, переустановка помогла, но проявилась проблема с работой рендера DirectX (появляется на некоторых ПК).

Инструкция по устранению здесь: