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F1 (or F3) is changing the name of an item

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 8 лет назад в Приложения / Studio (Server editor) обновлен Oksana (expert) 8 лет назад 3


Changing the name of an item is very important when programming in Javascript.

Therefore, it would be great if the F1 or F3-key is pointing to the name-property of the item.

The same like F2 for changing the text-property, but now for the name of the item.




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Hello Theo,

You can rename items via Project Overview Panel.

For example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw5TgGlnxM3CSVFPWE9fZ1FsTWs/view?usp=sharing

1. Set an item in Project Overview Panel

2. "F2" (go to Object Properties/Name)

3. Rename.

4. Enter (save a new name)

5. Esc (for back in Project Overview Panel)

6. Set next item with keyboard and etc

Ожидает ответа пользователя

Hello Theo,

You can rename items via Project Overview Panel.

For example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw5TgGlnxM3CSVFPWE9fZ1FsTWs/view?usp=sharing

1. Set an item in Project Overview Panel

2. "F2" (go to Object Properties/Name)

3. Rename.

4. Enter (save a new name)

5. Esc (for back in Project Overview Panel)

6. Set next item with keyboard and etc

Hi Oksana,

Thanks for this tip! I didn't know this 'undocumented' feature ;-)

However, it will be still be great if we can change the name of the item by clicking in the Canvas and use F1 or F3.



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